Friday, April 30, 2010


Short day at school today, leading to a short post.

Took Sasha out early this morning for about a 30 minute walk. It was SO nice out when we went, and then once I was back and cleaned up ready for school, it was quite gray out for the rest of the day. It still hasn't rained, but looks like it will be here any time now.

Thinking about hitting the trails at Ballard's this weekend...if it isn't raining.

Guess I'll see what happens!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sasha: You will take me running, and you will do it now.
Me: Alright, alright, just give me a minute.
Sasha: ... ready yet?

Am I 5k-razy?

First of all, allow me to apologize. It is semi-well known fact that my sister and I can't stand it when 'reputable' establishments purposely spell their store names, etc incorrectly. For example, if a hair place spells it 'kutz' we just won't go there. If you can't spell what you do, then how do I know you can DO what you do?

Alright that disclaimer aside, clearly you see that I've not only spelled a word incorrectly, but also used an unnecessary hyphen. This just goes to show that I must be a little crazy to make the following statement.

I've decided I want to train and run a 5K this summer.

Alright-done laughing now? For those of you with my mother on speed dial, she doesn't get home until after 6, so you'll just have to call back.

Seriously-I've contemplated it before, and I've decided this is the time to do it. My most recent inspiration has been my cousin Maggie's family. They all ran a 5K together this weekend, and little Jack came in at the top of his age group. PS- he's 6. How cool is that!? Go Jack-and all of the Elms clan! Woot!

I feel as if I have always been an athletic person stuck in a fat person's body. I'm not sure if that was so HS coaches would 'force' me to choose band over volleyball-hence leading me to my successful career in music, or what. But I do know this-I've always enjoyed sports, and I've always been slightly more then mediocre at them. So I want to give this a shot.

I haven't started training yet, but I've been reading up on the internet, and I found some good sites-one that talks about training "from couch to 5K". Sounds like me!

So in true 21st century form, I thought I would blog about this experience, on the off chance that anyone would want to read my daily/weekly/monthly blathering about running. I've never really blogged before, so this will be another first for me! (I love multi-tasking)

Though I haven't asked her, I'm certain Sasha will be on board as my training partner. (If you don't know, Sasha is my 55lb red husky complete with 2 different colored eyes...she's so cliche)
She is always willing to drag me up and down the sidewalks, and LOVES LOVES LOVES it if I indulge her by jogging on the straight-aways.

So there it is. My goal is to run the 5K at the Bagelfest in Mattoon in July. It is recommended to train for about 8 weeks, so that puts my 'official training' starting in May. But I figure it's never to early to start blogging about it, right?

Signing off...from the couch.